Past Productions

A Glimpse into ET Cetera’s Projects Over the Years

  • 2023-2024 The Lady from the Sea

    Life in the Wangel household may be predictable, but it is not happy. Ellida Wangel, the second wife of Dr. Edvard Wangel and step-mother to his two daughters, Bolette and Hilde is all but absent from their day-to-day lives, preferring to spend her time swimming in the waters of the fjord than spending it with her adopted children. Bolette is left to manage her mischievous younger sister and the household affairs by herself, while Wangel takes care of his patients.

    When Wangel invites Arnholm, Bolette’s old tutor and Ellida’s friend to visit them in their small fjord town in northern Norway, his presence, paired with that of a young, sickly but ambitious sculptor, Lyngstrand, upsets the family’s unhappy status quo. The instability of their home life is made all the worse by the unexpected arrival of a strange man from Ellida’s past, whose eyes still haunt her. These three visitors, intentionally or not, force the women of the family to decide, each for herself, which is more important: her duty to her family, or her duty to herself.

    Written by Henrik Ibsen

    Directed by Muireann Walsh

  • 2022-2023 A Midsummer night's dream

    As Athens prepares to see Theseus and Hippolyta marry, Lysander and Hermia find themselves fleeing the city and its laws to marry in the woods. Demetrius, Hermia's suitor, follows them under the information of Helena with the intention of stopping them. The latter, madly in love with Demetrius, follows him, in the hopes of finally earning his love.

    Meanwhile, a group of Athenian craftsmen choose to meet in the woods to rehearse the most important play of their lives.

    Unbeknownst to them, they find themselves in the world of the fairies, shaken by a quarrel between their king and queen, Oberon and Titania. To seek playful revenge on his wife, Oberon sends his mischievous servant Puck to find a magical flower whose power rivals Cupid's strongest arrow.

    When the four lovers along with the craftsmen find themselves in the forest reality gets tangled with magic, as chaos ensues. After all, reason and love keep little company together nowadays.

    Written by William Shakespeare

    Directed by Arthur Margot

  • 2021-2022 The Importance of Being Earnest

    The Importance of Being Earnest was written in 1895 and was labeled as “Trivial Comedy for Serious People”. Oscar Wilde depicts the Victorian social hypocrisy through his perfectly flawed characters.

    Jack Worthing, a man who emanates seriousness and respectability, invents an eccentric brother named Ernest whose alleged mischievous deeds give Jack a reason to travel to London systematically to rescue him.

    Gwendolen Fairfax is as sophisticated as she is pretentious and is entirely devoted to Jack Worthing, whom she believes to be called Ernest.

    Cecily Cardew, a young but not so innocent girl, is seduced by the misdeeds of Jack's supposed brother without ever meeting him.

    Meanwhile, Algernon Moncrieff, Jack’s best friend and the epitome of a dandy, poses as Ernest to woo Cecily.

    When Jack, Gwendolen, Cecily and Algernon meet at Cardew Manor on the same weekend, mayhem ensues as the women quarrel for the exclusive attention of the pretend Ernest whilst the men try to claim back their sweethearts.

    In the middle of this pandemonium, only a resentful tutor and a mislaid old handbag can unravel this mess…

    Written by Oscar Wilde

    Directed by Lili Solidaki

  • 2020-2021 Pygmalion

    Eliza Doolittle, a young florist, is despised and neglected because of her dialect and appearance. She meets Professor Higgins, a famous linguist, who makes a bet to pass her off as a duchess. Higgins attempts to turn Eliza into a lady of London's highest society and moulds her into the ideal woman. However, the result of her training is not what they expected.

    Playing with people in this way sometimes has serious consequences...

    Written by George Bernard Shaw

    Directed by Lili Solidaki

  • 2019-2020 Lady Windermere's Fan

    Young Lady Windermere finds herself facing her darker side when she meets an amoral middle-aged woman of great beauty, Mrs Erlynne. There follows a questioning of what is right and wrong in the world’s eyes.

    Lady Windermere’s Fan, one of Oscar Wilde’s most successful plays, is a delicious comedy with great depth. A real pleasure!

    Written by Oscar Wilde

    Directed by Suzanne Blaharry

  • 2018-2019 Time and the Conways

    The prosperous Conway family gathers for a party. Wealth is in the air. They all have personal aspirations and dream of a wonderful future for themselves and their loved ones. They are about to make a series of choices driven by greed, fear and resentment, and change their fate for the worse. Is it still possible for them to stop thinking time is ticking their lives away, to face their responsibilities and find themselves?

    Written by J.B Priestley

    Directed by Suzanne Balharry

  • 2017-2018 Proof

    Catherine has spent years caring for her father, a brilliant mathematician whose genius was crippled by mental insanity. When he dies, his former student Hal insists on going through his 103 notebooks, hoping to find hints of the man’s genius. He is about to stumble on a major discovery. Is Catherine ready to share it? How much of her father’s madness has she inherited? A Pultizer Prize-winning fine and tender play.

    Written by David Auburn

    Directed by Suzanne Balharry

 ET Cetera was created by Suzanne Balharry in 2017 and was passed on to Lili Solidaki in 2020.