A midsummer night’s dream

by william shakespeare

The course of true love never did run smooth

As Athens prepares to see Theseus and Hippolyta marry, Lysander and Hermia find themselves fleeing the city and its laws to marry in the woods. Demetrius, Hermia's suitor, follows them under the information of Helena with the intention of stopping them. The latter, madly in love with Demetrius, follows him, in the hopes of finally earning his love.

Meanwhile, a group of Athenian craftsmen choose to meet in the woods to rehearse the most important play of their lives.

Unbeknownst to them, they find themselves in the world of the fairies, shaken by a quarrel between their king and queen, Oberon and Titania. To seek playful revenge on his wife, Oberon sends his mischievous servant Puck to find a magical flower whose power rivals Cupid's strongest arrow.

When the four lovers along with the craftsmen find themselves in the forest reality gets tangled with magic, as chaos ensues. After all, reason and love keep little company together nowadays.

Length of play: 1h45mins


  • Hermia

    Played by Diana Fernandes Palhares

  • Lysander

    Played by Emiliano Cruz Aranda

  • Helena

    Played by Leah Didisheim

  • Demetrius

    Played by Muireann Walsh

  • Bottom

    Played by Hakim Sahal

  • Quince

    Played by Timothy Horvath

  • Flute

    Played by Sara Leone

  • Snout & Snug

    (L-R) Played by Julian Bär and himself.

  • Titania

    Played by Beatrice Muntean

  • Oberon

    Played by Can Cebeci

  • Puck

    Played by Davide Bella

  • Fairy

    Played by Haeeun Kim

  • Theseus

    Played by Stefano Marchioni

  • Hippolyta

    Played by Beatrice Muntean

Poster for A Midsummer Night’s Dream © Lili Solidaki

Cast list:

Diana Fernandes Palhares
Emiliano Cruz Aranda
Leah Didisheim
Muireann Walsh
Stefano Marchioni
Beatrice Muntean
Can Cebeci
Davide Bella
Haeeun Kim
Hakim Sahal
Timothy Horvath
Sara Leone
Julian Bär

Costume design:

Alana Guarino Giner

Set design:

Muireann Walsh
Katharina Schwarck

Lights & Sound:

Sacha Arsenijevič
Melina Jonah


Philippos Kokkas
Katharina Schwarck

Hair & makeup:

Roxane Kokkas
Lex Rodriguez
Sorcha Walsh

Directed by:

Arthur Margot