Lili Solidaki.

Lili became ET Cetera’s director in October 2020. She had previously been an actress in the company and played Lady Windermere’s in ET Cetera’s 2020 theatre project, Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde.

Her first directing project in the company was Pygmalion by G.B Shaw. The play was performed at the Fécule Festival in May 2021 and in Les Estrades in July 2021. Lili likes to focus on character identity and emotional development. She worked alongside with Alana Guarino Giner who was the creative mind behind the costumes. Together they brought Shaw’s characters onto the stage and her incredible cast brought them to life.

In 2022, Lili revisited the playwright of her first ET Cetera year: Oscar Wilde. She directed The Importance of Being Earnest with a brilliant cast of actors ( Arthur Margot, Muireann Walsh, Davide Bella, Diana Fernandes Palhares, Roxane Kokka, Can Cebeci, Leah Didisheim, Emiliano Cruz Aranda) wearing the costumes imagined by Alana Giner Guarino.

Lili hopes that rehearsals are a means of escape, a place to meet fellow comedians and find yourself. There is no deception when it comes to theatre. The mask you wear on stage is instinctively the truth of yourself…

At the end of the 2022 season, Lili left ET Cetera in the extraordinary hands of Arthur Margot and Muireann Walsh.

© Caro Voisin